Minggu, 06 Mei 2012


Observing the development of education, we would not simply measure how much the level of academic achievement and skill that has been achieved by the learner. But the cultivation of the values ​​of faith and piety is deemed necessary to be placed as the first and main goal in education.This is in line with the assertion of Prof.. Dr. Imam Suprayogo (UIN Rector Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang) in a scientific oration at the graduation ceremony with the MI-MTs-MA-Junior-Senior High School AN NUR Bululawang Malang.Describe even the rector of the manipulator-manipulator that state money does not mean they are not smart and intelligent. They have the skill, intelligence and skill (skill) is quite adequate. Why so?"This is what must be answered by the world of education"From the description above, it is probably not too wrong when the author concludes that one answer would lead to the importance of equipping students with the planting of the values ​​of faith and piety in an adequate scale. So that, in turn, an educational institution will produce graduates who are skilled and intelligent and have a skill that can be relied upon but a just and civilized humanity, and social justice in the Religion of Islam known as "Akhlaqul Karimah"On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Suprayogo Imam emphasized that the phenomenon is in UIN Malang Maulana Malik Ibrahim, the majority of the best graduates in the UIN Malang, of them come from the department of physics, mathematics, economics, etc., nearly of the whole thing memorized the Qur'aan. This fact is at least denied that the presentation of religious education, will hinder students' academic achievement.Presumably, the above assumption was inappropriate for direnung repeated by all observers of the world of education, especially the parents in guiding their children to educational institutions that are considered appropriate to be an option.Finally, this scientific study is a consideration for Civitas Academic AN NUR Bululawang the postscript on the front lines of education

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